Bill Creating More Consistency, Flexibility for Boroughs Passes House, Says James

October 2, 2023

HARRISBURG – Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) announced his bill, which would create consistent guidelines in the Borough Code, overwhelmingly passed the House.

“It is important to ensure rules are the same across the board in order to eliminate any conflicting, confusing guidance,” said James. “I would like to thank my colleagues and the stakeholders for collaborating with me on this issue.”

This legislation makes four changes to the Borough Code that are consistent with recent revisions to the First Class Township Code.

House Bill 1232:
• Provides protection for elected officials after seeking legal opinions. It also supplies borough councils with better options to seek a borough manager, among others. 
• Authorizes a borough to appoint a partnership, limited partnership, association or professional corporation as the borough manager.
• Allows the civil service commission of a borough to reorganize within 30 days of the first Monday in January of each even-numbered year.
• Removes a requirement that a preliminary budget be prepared beginning at least 30 days prior to the adoption of the budget. Residents of the borough will still have a minimum of 10 days to review that proposed budget before final passage.

Similar legislation passed the House last year but did not make it to the governor’s desk before the session ended Nov. 30.

House Bill 1232 now heads to the Senate for consideration.

Representative R. Lee James
64th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Nate Temple

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