James, Hutchinson Help Secure Millions in Project Funding for Venango County

January 24, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) and Sen. Scott Hutchinson (R- Butler/Clarion/Erie/Forest/Venango/Warren) announced the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) awarded nearly $11 million in grant and low-interest loan funding to two sewer projects and one water quality plan in Venango County.

The following entities are the beneficiaries of this funding:

• Frenchcreek Township: $4.78 million ($3.19 million grant and $1.59 million loan) toward construction of a new 450,000-gallons-per-day treatment plant, a new headworks facility with a main channel and bypass channel, and new aerobic digesters. The current trickling filtration process will be replaced with a three-tank sequencing batch reactor and ultraviolet disinfection system. A new natural-gas-powered emergency generator would be placed alongside reed beds for sludge disposal during warm seasons.
• General Authority of the City of Franklin: $3.68 million loan to replace two sections of aging waterline along Allegheny Boulevard (State Route 0008/State Route 0062) between the French Creek overpass and the intersection of Front Street (State Route 4002) in Sugarcreek Borough.
• Polk Borough: $2.37 million ($1.58 million grant and $791,232 loan), which will be contributed to Frenchcreek Township to build a new wastewater treatment plant.
“Work never stops to find ways to improve our communities in the 64th District, and I want to congratulate the recipients on this news,” said James. “I advocated for the timely completion of the projects with a loan committee member. I am pleased to see our requests fulfilled by PENNVEST so our residents can receive the best services available.”

“It is fantastic that these essential community infrastructure projects received funding assistance through PENNVEST,” said Hutchinson. “These dollars will go a long way to reducing the costs for local ratepayers.”

Founded in 1988, PENNVEST provides grants and low-interest loans for design, engineering and construction of publicly and privately owned drinking water distribution and treatment facilities, as well as storm water and wastewater projects.

Representative R. Lee James
64th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Nate Temple

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