More Than $1 Million in Grant Funding Awarded to 64th District, Says James

November 12, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. R. Lee James (R-Venango/Crawford) announced today the 64th District is receiving more than $1 million in grant funding from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ (DCNR) Community Conservation Partnerships Program (C2P2).

“Our region provides a plethora of outdoor activities for families and tourists to enjoy. I am grateful to see this funding allocated to our district, and I look forward to seeing residents and tourists take advantage of visiting these wonderful sites,” said James.

Below are the funding allocations and project descriptions:

Crawford and Venango counties:

• Oil Region Alliance of Business, Industry and Tourism: $318,700 to manage the heritage area and heritage area initiatives; redesign the community visitor center in Emlenton, Venango County; and develop historic resource planning documents for significant regional resources.

Venango County:
• Western Pennsylvania Conservancy: $311,800 to acquire approximately 253 acres of land along Deer Creek Road in Frenchcreek Township for a new nature preserve.
• City of Franklin: $269,400 to prepare a tree canopy plan.
• Oil Region Alliance of Business, Industry and Tourism: $179,300 to develop public access along the Allegheny River in President Township. Work includes construction of a boat launch and fishing pier; ADA access; landscaping; a project sign; and other related site improvements.

C2P2 grants were created to promote conservation and recreation-focused projects and programs. They are awarded to municipalities and authorized nonprofit organizations for recreation, park and conservation projects.

These include the rehabilitation and new development of parks and recreation facilities; acquisition of land for active or passive park and conservation purposes; and planning for feasibility studies, trail studies, conservation plans, site development planning, and comprehensive recreation, greenway and open space planning.

Representative R. Lee James
64th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Nate Temple

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